Sunday, May 1, 2011

Room 26

Che bella notte!
Last night, my friends, Sabrina and Meggie, and myself, ventured into Rome to go dancing!
Dance clubs in Italy, or Europe for that matter are called "Discotecche" and let me just say, they are COMPLETELY different than the clubs in America.
For one thing, we didn't even leave for the club until almost midnight because they stay open ALL night into the morning!
The atmosphere is completely different too - loud techno music, beautiful people dressed to the nines, and the drinking - wow - so different! In the four hours we were there, we each had one drink (which came with the cover), but that is typical. People go there to have fun and look their best, not to get completely hammered as we so often see in America. 
And the best part? I had a blast, remember the entire evening, and woke up without a headache! 
Besides, the club was too gorgeous to drink until I would forget it!
La Discotecca Room 26

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