Friday, May 20, 2011

Eating Eggs - Breaking Rules!

Italians definitely do things differently than Americans. I have tried adapting to the cultural changes, and I think I’m doing a decent job. However, I couldn’t resist. Today, I decided to break a rule... and it was a doozy!
I decided for breakfast, instead of eating typical biscotti and a fruit, I would have a good old fashioned American Breakfast! One that I know will make me feel “full and focused” all day, and during my run!
So what did I eat? I ate eggs. 
Yes. EGGS!
You might be wondering why this is so strange, as eggs are a staple in American’s breakfasts, but here, not so much.
Eggs are available, and Italians eat them, but very seldom, and NEVER for breakfast.
But I did it! I brewed a nice espresso, cooked three eggs sunny-side up with freshly-grated parmigiana, and I even found some ketchup in the fridge to top it off.
Granted, I did this by myself, without any one watching, so it’s not that cool - 
but hey, at least I know I’m a bad-ass breaking all the rules! 

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