Monday, May 2, 2011

To My Friends of the Class of 2011 :)

To The Class of 2011 :)
This little note Im writing is dedicated to my closest friends who are finishing up their college college careers. I wish I could be there to help you celebrate, as many of you were with me. But since I’m not, I’ll make it up to you by flying you to Rome as a present!
hahah sike....
But for real, this is for you.
My Top Ten To-Do List 

10. Stay close to the ones you love. Don’t forget those who matter in your life and who have helped you grow. You are who you are because of them.
9. Seek adventure. Don’t be afraid to travel to far-off lands, or even across the U.S. The experiences you will have will change you for the better.
8. Buy A Camera and take it everywhere. You’re memory may be good now, but in thirty years, not so much. Take pictures, a lot of pictures. Capture moments to hold close to your heart.
7. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail. If you’re not a millionaire by the age of 25, or the CEO of Nike, it’s ok. Failing makes us stronger. (Trust me, I’ve ALREADY learned)
6. Stay Up All Night.  Not to study, or because of Nanny re-runs, but to watch the sunrise. You’ll feel like a new person. Do it with someone you care about too!
5. Eat New Food. Wherever you travel, try something new. There is more to life than Raman and McDonald’s. College is over, so enjoy octopus, or frog legs! 
4. Stay Open Minded. You’re not living in a bubble anymore, stay open to trying to things, meeting new people and adapting to new lifestyles. 
3. Miss Someone With All Your Heart. Remember that certain someone you can’t forget? Miss them. Allow your heart to ache. Just like a muscle, with some pain comes strength. 
2. Reach outside your comfort zone. Dance. Sing Karaoke. Run a Marathon. Bungee- jump. Do something you’ve always secretly wanted to do. At least try!
1. Have No Regrets. If you want to do something, do it. If you want someone, go for it. We’ve only got one life to live. Never look back and say you “should have tried”.
Love with all your heart. Laugh out loud. Party Often. Cry when you feel the need. 
And most importantly, 
Smile :) 
Always smile!
I love you guys and wish you all the best of luck! Congratulations!
Ci vediamo a dio.....

La Bella Vita

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