Thursday, May 26, 2011

Say Your Prayers - Marissa's Cooking Dinner Tonight

"The trouble with eating Italian food is that 5 or 6 days later you're hungry again." -George Miller, British writer
As we speak, I am preparing my first home-cooked meal for Francesca, Vincenzo and Beatrice. Honestly, this is a scary task at hand. It’s not only the idea that I have to prepare a meal for another family, or prepare a meal that they will enjoy, it’s the fact that I must prepare this meal for an Italian family in ITALY
The mother of all kitchens; restaurants; recipes; the best food and wine you could ask for. The country known for the way they prepare their meals, celebrate with food, etc. The list goes on.
I should stop now. I’m most likely going to fail.
But if I stop, then tonight, no one will have any food for dinner.
(Not quite sure what is worse; my cooking, or not eating...)
I nominated my Dad for providing me with his famous chili recipe after discovering both Francesca and Vincenzo had eaten this in America, as well as my mom’s chocolate chip recipe.
Hearty, fresh, homemade Chili. Mom’s old fashioned Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Sounds only if I succeed. We will see!
I’m off to check on the cookies - I already burnt the first batch. 
Well, it's 10pm. Dinner is finished. And I am happy to report it went amazingly well :)
No one died, the house is still standing, AND to top it off - everyone loved my meal.

I did it! I can cook!
Vincenzo said I'm becoming a real Italian woman.
I think I'll take that as a compliment!
Buonanotte amici :)

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