Sunday, May 1, 2011

My FIRST Race! La Mia Prima Gara!

Yesterday marked a milestone for me. As I participated in my first-ever race!

 In the rain, and mud, around farms, up steep-hills, and through herds of sheep I went (I’m NOT exaggerating this). 

Many of you know running has become an addictive habit of mine. 
A VERY addictive habit. There’s just something about the sound of my feet hitting the ground, my arms pumping and my music blasting that  gives me adrenaline - a rush
If I’ve ever been late for a date with my friends, or work, its usually because I had to make sure I got my run in for the day (I’m sorry for this, I hope you can forgive me)! 

Some days I could run for 10 miles, other days, maybe 2. Just the knowledge that I CAN run brings me happiness, and the knowledge that it keeps me in shape, and keeps me healthy are added bonuses.
Moving to Italy was nothing but a positive excursion for me, but I had one BIG concern. And I told Francesca about my concern almost immediately.
“I like to run Francesca, Where can I run?”
Sounds silly I know. But exercising is different over here, and being an American I stick out like a sore thumb. Avoiding the whole “sore thumb” issue is something I want to do!
To my surprise, pleasant surprise mind you, Francesca is an avid runner! I was so relieved when she told me this, and when we went running for the first time, it was GREAT. I found a running partner in Italy with complete ease!

The race was only a 6km, which is equivalent to 3.75 miles, but I was warned of the constant hills and bumpy terrain I would be running through. Initially, I was scared it would be hard.
 But - I was determined.
I started off a a nice pace; since it was my first race I didn’t want to embarrass myself and go to fast, then have to stop! But after about 10mins, I could feel my body warming up and getting stronger. 
Before I knew it, I was passing people left and right. Up-hill I was strong and down hill I let gravity carry me. My biggest concern was falling in the mud! 

But I couldn’t believe I ran so well! 

In the end I ran the race under 34 minutes. I didn’t have the exact timing, since I’m only just a beginner. But for me, that was really good! 
All of Francesca’s friends were impressed with my pace and running (as I somehow passed a few of them on my way) and I can’t lie when I say I wasn’t ecstatic to have completed my first race...IN ROME! 
My beautiful white and purple Asics are covered in mud, my PSU track-jacket is wet and dirty, and my Zune is not happy about having to work in the rain. But I did it! I completed a goal of mine, with the help and graciousness of Francesca inviting me to the race. 

Now I’m feeling better about running in Italy.
I don’t feel like such an outsider anymore!

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