Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lost in Rome

Friday the 13th - you’ve done it to me again.
Actually, this one was probably the best joke yet!
After a beautiful evening eating at a very “posh” restaurant in the Piazza di Spagna, I couldn’t imagine how my evening could go wrong. I’m in Italy, everything is always perfect...at least so I thought.
Around 11:30 I headed back to the Metro station to make my journey back into Ostia - to my surprise, the trains for this one particular line had stopped working (Che palle! I knew I should have read the signs).
I asked a few people how to get back to Ostia, but I knew my time was running out - remember, this is Rome, not New York, bus lines don’t run 24/7.
I was filled with a variety of emotions; 
I could cry - but what would that do? I would just look vulnerable and ruin my makeup...
I could freak out
again, what would that accomplish? 
Or, I could laugh.
I went with the latter.
I laughed and smiled as I walked down the pebblestone streets in stilettos contemplating what alley I could sleep in for the night. But, I wasn’t afraid, in fact - I felt adventurous. I could either sink or swim in this situation. I needed to get lost, to find my way home, because I am alone - there is no security link for me to latch onto - independence is a must - as well as strength.
With hope diminishing, I decided to text my friend Saso, 
“Saso, OMG, I’m lost - in Rome! Aituo! (help)”
He called me immediately, and I just couldn’t help but laugh. What was he going to be able to do? He lives 8 hours from Rome, in Reggio. Hearing his voice was helpful though - comforting. A familiar voice is always helpful in times of stress. And I was grateful to have someone to talk too ( I didn’t want to look like a complete fool).
He helped me - rescued me in fact! I got to Piazza Venezia in one piece and found the right bus to take my straight back to Ostia. 
I had never felt more relieved to walk into my house and lay down in my little bed then I did Friday evening. 
Friday the 13th - you tried hard to screw with me, 
and you almost won. 
But - just like usual - I beat you again!
I was home - safely and soundly.
And I had discovered a friend I knew I could count on - even if he is 8 hours away!

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