Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Four Weeks

only the time we are here.
It’s hard to believe, but an entire month has passed by since I packed my bags and headed through security at Philadelphia International. I was seeking out a dream; a wish my heart, mind and soul had craved for months and months and months.
In one month, I can honestly say I have learned so much; not only the fundamentals of a foreign language, but the difficulty of teaching a child, the strength of Italian espresso, what NOT to wear (including bathrobes), but, most importantly, I have learned a lot about myself. 
I’ve discovered strength; strength to get up every morning knowing that I have to challenge myself to adapt to a completely different culture.  Living out of my comfort zone is hard, but I’ve always liked a good challenge.
I have learned patience (and am still learning); I realize I need patience to successfully help Beatrice grow and learn, as well as developing patience while learning this language (I expected to be fluent in two weeks).
I have learned admiration; how to step back and admire the beauty of God’s creations. I know how to slow down and take in a sunset, or walk around the ruins of Ancient Rome and feel the power and magic they possess. I realize there is much more to life than the chaos I have experienced in my past. By stopping to smell the roses, I can enjoy life’s simple pleasures (and I save money too).
I have discovered loneliness; I live with a wonderful family, I’ve made friends, but I am on my own and lacking the security I had at home. But with this revelation, I seek the goodness and love that surrounds me day-to-day and I realize with time, this sensation will disappear.
Four weeks; it’s not a lot of time, but if I have learned this much in a month, I can’t wait to see where the next 5 months take me. 

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