Sunday, May 8, 2011

Finding my "Word"...

Could you describe yourself, 
your being, 
everything that you are and want to be in 15 letters?
How about one word? 
In the book “Eat, Pray, Love” Liz Gilbert discusses finding her “word”...the one single word that describes everything she is, wants, and desires to be. 
After reading this heartwarming book, 
I realized I needed to find my own “word”.
And I did.
Last summer I discovered it under the scorching, blazing sun, surrounded by the aqua-blue Mediterranean sea, 
all while eating gelato...lots of gelato.
I discovered my word in Italy.
When I heard it roll off of the tongue of someone dear to me - it was like the light bulb came on.
 I knew in an instant that I had discovered my word...
my own  personal 15-letter description.
This particular word had value to all of us who ventured to Reggio Calabria, as the whole experience was...
and always will be Unforgettable.

But for me, it meant more. 
It meant striving for something everyone wants, 
but not always succeeds at getting.
I want to be Unforgettable...
I want to be.... 

This is not a conceited statement. I’m not in this quest for attention-seeking, or being lusted after. 
I’m not looking to be a role-model, or an “idol”.
I’m simply looking to live my life right. To live it so that everyone in my life, whether permanently or not, will always remember me in a good light. 
I desire to positively impact people’s lives. So when they look back on the times we’ve had together, they can say I was genuine, that I was warm, that I was...good.
That is being unforgettable. For me.
Yesterday, as I strolled through the park in Roma with the one who helped me discover my word, I reminded him that I was unforgettable. That no matter where my life took me, the people I meet will always impact me, and my desire is to do the same.
What is that rule again? Oh yea, the Golden Rule...just with a little twist.
Let me into your life; show me what you can do to impact me, and I can promise you I will strive to do the same. In the end, you will remember me, and smile when you think of our times together.

So here I am, back in Italy, and I'm reminded of my word.
Because not only did you impact me, 
but in return, I impacted you.
That is why I am Indimenticabile....
Why I want to be Indimenticabile....

And why I desire above all things, to be true to my own personal word...

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