Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fulfilling Our Dreams

 Who ever says dreams don't come true? 
A dream is a wish your heart makes...and believe me, I'm a perfect example of conquering your fears and fulfilling your dreams, as is my friend Travis! 
On one of our final days together in Reggio last summer, Travis and I stood on a balcony over looking the sea, and the beautiful beach of Scilla.
Together, we promised each other we would return to Italy.
On Saturday, our promise to one another came true!
We both have returned to Italy; venturing off onto two different paths, but our promises, our dreams, came true.
I was thrilled to be with him in Rome. It was nice having a familiar face around! We ate Italian food, drank some wine (and some more wine), traveled around Piazza Venezia, and finished our evening eating gelato in front of the Pantheon...
The beauty of Italy is something we both treasure.
I’m excited for his adventures, and although we are missing many links to our Summer 2010 group, the memories remain in our heart, and on our minds constantly!

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