Sunday, May 22, 2011

Race For The Cure...Ancient Rome Style!

La Corsa Per La Lotta AI Tumori Del Seno
Susan G. Komen Italia

Since becoming an avid runner, I always wanted to participate in the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure 5K. I’ve known many women who have fought the battle against breast cancer; it is a fight I have never battled, but running for such a great cause and for such a beautiful celebration of womanhood seemed fitting.
Not realizing the immense size of the Komen foundation, I was shocked when Francesca registered me for the race, in ROME! I knew Komen was huge in America, but had no idea it covered worldwide.
Today, my friend Sabrina and I were able to participate in this exact race - in ROME!
We went into the center of Rome, leaving Ostia at 8 am (on a Sunday, this was rough) and arriving shortly after. 
The size of the crowd was unbelievable!
Thousands and thousands of people; walkers, runners, spectators, survivors, name it, they were there.
Not only was the company wonderful, the route left me speechless (maybe more so than the running) ! During the 5K, we passed through ANCIENT ROME;  Circo Massimo, Colosseo, Piazza Venezia (and probably several other sites I missed trying to avoid falling on the pebblestone streets). 
To me, it was a HUGE deal to be passing by such historical landmarks, but to everyone surrounding me, it was just another day in the life of a Roman....che bella vita!!
It was an honor to run in a race that matter such a great deal to so many people, and it was truly beautiful to run this race in Rome!

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