Sunday, May 22, 2011

Conquering My Fear...Cutting My Hair In Italy~

Ieri, mi sono tagliate i capelli
Before leaving for Italy, I had dinner with one of my dearest friends. Jill has been my friend since we were 14, and I have gone to her with all of my problems, including hair issues!
She was the first to cut my hair (taking a whopping nine inches off in the Spring of 2008) and to this day, has remained the mastermind behind this lovely mop on my head.
When we met in Grove City, I told her my biggest fear....
Getting my hair cut in Italy! 
Ok, this might not be my BIGGEST fear, but it’s a close second...
How would I be able to survive without her? She knows my style, what looks good on me and what doesn’t...AND here’s the biggie: she can speak English, fluently.
I mean, I’m not sure, but being able to express to your stylist how you want your hair to look is pretty important.
But I braced my fears, and the fear of split-ends and I went to una parrucchiera “Mito’s”.
here is the result!!
I don' think I need a bag over my head!

Ok, so I conquered the Italian hair up, conquering my Italian book "Batte il cuore"

This is going to take a while......

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