Sunday, May 8, 2011

Always Be My Baby

“I know in my heart baby,
 that you will always be mine...”
Music often speaks to me, as it does everyone. There is someway it reaches deep into the depths of my soul and can set the mood for any occasion. 
Yesterday, I was relying a lot on music to get me through a roller coaster of emotions.
But there was one song that kept playing over and over again in my head...
You ever hear a song and it takes you back to a specific moment in time? It’s like a complete and utter flashback to your past where you remember everything and anything, no matter how important or silly the moment was? know what I’m feeling then.
I met with someone yesterday, who has had my heart, and probably always will have it, to some extent at least. 
Meeting with this person, for the first time in 9 months was more nerve-racking for me than Lebron trying to hit a clutch shot at the end of a game...
(Ok, that’s harsh, but, I’m bitter after the Lakers lost)
During my venture into Rome, I relied on Usher to keep my feeling sexy and confident.

My insides were curling like my hair on a hot, humid day. The least I could do was try to LOOK good on the outside.
Usher worked pretty good, actually pretty awesome, until my eyes met with those all-too familiar dark chestnut eyes...
Then BAM! flashabck....immediately, music began playing over and over in my head.
I remember the first day like it was yesterday:
The first day in Reggio; the sun bronzing my completely pale skin, my friends surrounded by me screaming
“Woah baby, look at that sexy man!”
“We were as one baby, for a moment in time...”
I remember the last day. That look in his eyes as I headed through security, and boarded that plane...
“And it seemed everlasting, that you would always be mine...”
And yesterday surely confirmed these flashbacks, and added a little bit more...
“...Cause you’ll always be my baby.”
Music can do strange things to people. But when the words speak to you so perfectly, it’s like God’s way of speaking to you, and bringing you joy, sorrow, happiness, laughter...whatever you want...whenever you want it.
No matter what song remixes in my head next. This song will always have those moments in time. 
No matter when I hear it. 
No matter where I hear it. 
It won’t matter....

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