Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bienvenuti Penn State!

Buon vino, Buon cibo, Buoni amici!
Good wine, Good food, Good friends!
The world is quite a small place! 
Thursday night, I headed into Rome to meet with three of my Italian Professors from Penn State!
It was quite a beautiful evening in Trastevere! Strange how you can meet up with people in a foreign place, and have it feel just like home!  
They were eating at a very famous restaurant, “Augusto”. My one professor, actually the first professor I had for Italian, Tom, used to live in Trastevere, back in 1972!  
It’s amazing how life comes full circle! 
I only had a little over an hour to spend with them, as I had to watch Beatrice for the evening, but I enjoyed the company tremendously!
Professor’s Gatto and Jason were my guides and professors when I first ventured to Italy last summer. I learned a lot; not only the language, but the culture of Italians. And it was because of their guidance I fell in love with this country. I remember telling them on the ferry to Vulcano that I would return to Italy as soon as possible (I made sure to remind them of that moment last night).
We drank amazing homemade red wine, 
reminisced and laughed. 
Che bella giornata! 
It was comforting to have conversation with familiar faces and I’m excited for the new group of Penn State students venturing into Reggio tomorrow.
I know what kind of experience I had, and I wish only the best for them as well.  

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