Friday, April 29, 2011

Peace o Pace in Italiano!

Tell Me This Isn't Precious?! 

Just Taking A Walk....

Oh hey there Colosseum!

 Never have I enjoyed walking so much!
 Ancient Rome...what a site
 The Two Brothers lol
 I Love This Fountain
 Sabrina e Io :)
 Sabrina, Meggie e Io...ROMA!
La Bella Vita

The Tale of Two Cities

I had two posters hanging in my bedroom at Penn State.

The first was a picture of New York.
It stated, simply, these few words:

“New York, New York, so good, they named it twice.”
The second was a picture of the Colosseum in Roma. 
It stated simply:
“It’s hard to imagine how beautiful life can be until you live in Rome.”
These are the two cities I desire to live in. Both for various reasons. 
I desire to live in New York, for its excitement; the fast-paced lifestyle. The entertainment provided daily just by taking a walk in a city that never sleeps.
Also, for my own creative genius - NYC is PERFECT for my work in Public Relations, Advertising, or anything else involved in Communications.
But, although NYC is amazing, Rome is another story. 

Just yesterday, I took a ride into Roma with Francesca’s sister Sabrina. When we exited the metro into the sunlight, a beautiful site was to be held.
Sitting right in front of me was the Colosseum! Ancient Rome, thousands of years old, right there, in the middle of a busy, crowded city.
Breathtaking isn’t even a strong enough word. To look at something so magnificent is astounding. What’s even crazier in my mind is the notion that it’s not just an ancient site, but it’s older than my ENTIRE COUNTRY. The U.S. is a baby compared to the Colosseum.
And I realized that being in Rome, and living in this country will open my eyes to so many things. I will be immersed in a culture so wise and knowledgeable it’s impossible for me to not grow while I’m here.
(Besides, it’s pretty cool having the Colosseum practically in your backyard, and being able to visit the Fontana di Trevi anytime you feel like taking a walk.)
Walking out from the metro to see the Colosseum right in front of me was like starring at the world through the eyes of a child; I realized how much bigger it was and how much more I can accomplish and see in this life.
And truly, life is quite beautiful living in Rome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Discovering IPhoto!!

This morning, Beatrice and I were singing along to Nursery Rhymes  (Talk about a throwback)! While singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", I ran into her room to get her socks. By the time I returned, she had discovered the IPhoto Program on my MAC! 

Naturally, I took the opportunity to take our first picture together !

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

La Mia Sorella!

I said to my friends and family that working with Beatrice will lead me to a tough decision; whether or not I will ever want to have children. Let me just say that after having my first full day with her, I can already imagine myself having a child; hopefully as precious and kind as her.
For example, today I had to cook lunch for her. Living in Italy, she eats daily meals prepared by the most amazing cooks, so the pressure was on! I made her pasta with olive oil and parmesan cheese, and steak. She told me the order was supposed to be steak first, then pasta (I was positive I had it right). But, because she realized it was my first time cooking for her, she smiled innocently and beautifully at me and said to me, 
“La mia sorella, La mia sorella” 
Which means “My sister” in English... I about melted.
Then she proceeded to eat her pasta, looked up at me with her big, brown eyes and said again, realizing I was upset with my error,
“La pasta e buonisssssssssssima, buonissssssssssssima, buonisssssssssima! 

Meaning, the pasta is very very very good .
Beatrice is 4 years old, innocent with not much understanding, but she realized I was upset with my simple mistake at lunch, and in her own special way, made an attempt to make me feel better, even without many words or actions; just her big brown eyes and a few words.
It made me wonder what life would be like if we all could be as simply sweet and kind as Beatrice....
Probably a much better place!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My New Home: Ostia Lido, Roma

View of Ostia from our balcony!

 The Marina :)

The sea!! I'm going to be so tan!

Feeding the American

Talk about a food coma! Sleep never came so easily! 
Buona Pasqua - Happy Easter... an event so extraordinary American eating champion Joey Crawford would be put to the test! 
Traditionally, I have always spent Easter, as well as every other holiday with my family. Whether it is just my parents, my brother and myself, or other relatives and loved ones, we have always been together.
On Easter, we would search for Easter eggs around the house, filled with money (this tradition NEVER got old), eat tons and tons of candy, and eventually sit down for a meal prepared by my mom, or grandmothers. 
This year, however, my holiday was spent in a completely different way. A way I will never forget: In Rome.
At first, I was unsure how it would go; strange not to be around your family during these times. However, Francesca’s graciousness was beyond heartwarming.
I’ve only been living with them for 5 days, and already I feel apart of their family. Based on my past, I never have had to spend a holiday alone, and being made to feel as one with them was touching.
You know in old movies where you see the Italian nonna’s feeding you until you’re sick and need to be rolled home?
Well it’s not like that everyday. HOWEVER, on Easter - It’s a different story.
When I say I ate from afternoon until evening, it is not an understatement. And because I am the new American girl who hardly eats any food (according to them), and hardly speaks any Italian, I was the center of attention when it came to the food.
Every dish was a “specialty” and I had to eat it. 
They are in no means trying to force food down my throat, it is a mere way to show their love and graciousness -

For them, food is their present. 
And it was my birthday!
The whole day was a beautiful day. Even though I was eating like it was my job. I cannot explain to you the amount of love Francesca’s family showed to me. And to one another!
Lunch in Montalto was accompanied under the beautiful sun, with bottles of wine and grappa, and a dozen people showing happiness towards each other’s company. 
Dinner (yes there was a dinner too) overlooked the countryside in Citta di Canino (city of the dogs, non lo so) and included 10 bottles of wine, prosecco (a type of champagne) and about 25 family members. 
I cannot lie when I say I was all smiles all evening. Laughing and enjoying myself! Being surrounded by Italians who speak zero english, you’d think I’d feel overwhelmed, but I had so much fun my heart could burst. 
Not because of the food.
Or the wine,
or the espresso.
Because I’m no longer a stranger - I’m a part of this beautiful family.
Buona Pasqua!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Piazza Trilussa

This is Piazza Trilussa, where my family and Meggie's family went for wine and some mingling.
Definitely another beautiful place in Roma.

Meeting Meggie

It’s amazing the type of people you meet in your life. Here I am thinking packing up from State College and moving to Rome at 22 was a big step for me....then I met Meggie.
Meggie - in just a few words is an English blonde who has traveled all over Europe working as an Au Pair. 
And she’s YOUNGER than me! 
We meet last night as Francesca (my host mom) and Simona (Meggie’s host mom) are  best friends. There was an immediate connection with her, and I know we will have fun together; once I get over the shock that she is not only bi-lingual, or tri-lingual but can speak 4 languages fluently....and again..
Man do I feel under-accomplished?
Both families, including the young ones went into Roma last night. We walked around Piazza Trilussa, drank some white vino together and chatted outside with mingling Italians.
I’m strongly starting to feel the urge to speak fluently in Italian. Everyone around me can, and my level isn’t even up to par with Beatrice (who’s 4)...but as I sit here blogging, I’m also studying the language.
Maybe Meggie will help. 
After all, she does know four different languages.
Meggie will be a big help though, and I am grateful for knowing her. She has so much experience in this area of work, and I can already tell she will guide me as best as she can. Which is something I know I will need.
I’m off to eat some Gelato and walk around Ostia. I need to figure this place out a little more!
Ciao ciao! Noi parleremo a presto!

Friday, April 22, 2011

NiNi’s and Makeup.

My first Friday in Ostia is turning out to be a lovely day. And I am starting to feel more comfortable and adjusted. This is my second morning with Beatrice, and already I can see habits forming. In the morning she quietly comes to my bedroom door with her “NiNi” (blankie) and her thumb in her mouth and looks at me to allow her to enter. The look on this precious girl’s face is almost to much to bear! And her blanket is a subtle reminder to my “BahBah” from back’s like looking into the past with her!
Since there is a language barrier, we watch a few videos (Disney, Hello Kitty, Dora) then she brings her clothes into my room and changes. I think this helps her feel close to me since we can’t always understand each oher. 
Next it’s my favorite time with her- makeup time! There is no need for me to bother to do my makeup, for Beatrice takes the time to do it for eyeshadow is not a good look for me just so you know! She is so enthralled with her mom’s makeup, as well as mine, and I’m tolerant to her interest; just as long as I don’t run out too quickly!!
These habits I hope are a way for us to become comfortable with one another. Although I know she is frustrated because she cannot understand me, and vice versa, we are connecting, slowly, but surely! 
Her mom paid me a compliment yesterday, saying how surprised she was to Beatrice warming up to me so quickly. This is a good sign I believe :)
It’s going to take time (there’s that issue again), but we will get to a good level, and develop confidence and trust in one another...who knows when, but it I can feel it happening!

How To Live In Another Country...To Be Continued.....

I must admit, I’m having some trouble adjusting to this new life. Most people would expect some difficulties, but for me, this is a new experience; I have never had trouble adjusting to a new surrounding or a change in my life.  Trying to figure our your place in the home of a new family is interesting. Eating all three meals together, using their bathroom, interacting with their daughter. These issues may seem minuscule, but I’m a stranger in their home and my biggest goal is to not overstep!
I actually took my first shower this morning since arriving in Roma. Crazy, right? Especially for everyone who knows how important my hair is too me...but, in my defense, how do you hop into a strange shower and take over the bathroom not knowing if someone else needs to use it? 
Don’t get me wrong, Francesca and Vincenzo have been so welcoming to me, and have really made an attempt to make me feel at home. For example, last night, Vincenzo even showed me how to turn on the TV so I can watch the NBA! He knows I’m a Lakers fan, so that was INCREDIBLE, but still, this is not my home and this is not my family, adjusting is going to take time (which we all know I’m bad with)
Thankfully, with today, I feel much better about the arrangements. 
Living in Italy is sweet, but I am in another country, lost without a lot of my friends. I’ll figure out the way this life works, just give me some time (damnit). And I’ll let you know.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Teaching English

This is my job....
It's hard thus far.
I almost feel as if my Italian will be 100 x better than her English.
But when she is this cute, how could I not try my hardest?
Playing outside with Beatrice :) 

Bienvenuta a Roma!!

Here I am. Day two in Ostia! After ten long hours on a plane, several cramps in my legs and butt, and a non-working cell-phone I made it to my destination!
I’m not overwhelmed...yet. The family I am staying with has already made several attempts to make me feel at home. My bedroom is comfortable and cute, with lilac walls,  a green and purple bed and matching furniture. I’ve had homemade Italian lunches with both gramma’s, and most importantly, Beatrice has really started to warm up to me! 
She is unbelievably sweet and cute. The language barrier makes it hard to understand what she is saying, but I know in time we will both understand each other. At least I hope!
Ostia is home to between 200 and 300,000 people, much much bigger than State College or DuBois for that matter. I can’t wait to have an afternoon or evening off so I can explore Ostia and venture into Rome!
Francesca (the mom), Vincenzo (the dad) and of course Beatrice, shared dinner with me last night. The menu included meatballs (polpetta), mozzarella and prosciutto, salad and tomatoes tossed in oil and salt and naturally, gelato for dessert. Francesca bought Amarena and Fragola for us to share. Amarena is my favorite, it’s like a black cherry, and Fragola is strawberry....Gelato may be the best thing in the entire world.
Delicious is beyond words! 
It’s going to take time for everyone to develop confidence in me, as well as comfort, but I’m looking forward to the journey. I’m anxious to see how it will fare for everyone!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Beginning of A New Chapter

This song moves me. It inspires me to stay strong and go for my dreams.
Tomorow I'm off to Rome and this song will be playing over and over in my head.

We all write our own story; so make it a good one.
I hope this is inspiring to all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

For Good

"Who Can Say If I've Been Changed For The Better, But, Because I Knew You, I Have Been Changed For Good."

Last night I met up with one of my most cherished friends. Jill and I have been close since 8th grade, and we have been through it all! I hadn’t seen her in literally 4 months, but, despite our time apart, it felt as if we hadn’t missed a beat. 
We were that annoying old couple sitting at an Eat n’ Park talking for over three hours  about life, family, jobs...boys. 
There was a lot of laughter, some tears, but most importantly, there was love.
Simple, basic and pure love between two friends.
No matter how much distance is between us, or the length of time we go without seeing each other, the love NEVER dies. 
This is true for all of the friends in my life I love. 
Next Tuesday as I bored my plane to Rome two things will be on my mind:
  1. When will I get to eat gelato?
  2. When will I see the people I love again?
I can’t tell you how scared I am to move to a strange place knowing I will be without my friends. If I could, I would pack up each and every one of you and put you in my suitcase.
I know that is not realistic.
I know we all have destinies to fulfill, our own lives to live, and different places to go. 
Never underestimate the power of friendship. I am the person I am today because of my friends, and I love you all with my entire soul for being in my life.
I wish I could name all of you, but you know who you are.
You’re the ones I laugh hysterically in front of; smile uncontrollably at; drink loads of alcohol and watch stupid movies with. 
You’re the ones who hang out with my parents and wait for me when I’m 45 minutes late.
You meet me for Starbucks, or talk with me on the phone for hours. You make fun of me, all the while making sure I know you’re being sarcastic. You complain with me about work and our jobs, but then hang around Whiskers or an unnamed radio joint just for the company. 
When people try to hurt me, you stand up for me; and when I’m down, you pick me up.
You play basketball with me, then get dressed to the nines for a night out. You laugh at my obsessions with the Backstreet Boys and Kobe Bryant, but you let me sing out loud when I feel the need. We dance to Lady Gaga and Rihanna, and you save me from the most faithful creepers of all.
You hug me when I need it, or just cause, and you support me, through thick and thin.
And most importantly, you love me, ‘cause I’m amazing, Just The Way I Am :
We all have people come in and out of our life.
Sometimes, it hurts when we lose someone, Other times, its freeing to let go and live.
Either way, I know everyone who has been in my life has impacted me in some way, shape or form. And for that, I am thankful.
As I prepare for this move, please know one thing. No matter where I go, or how far we are from one another, I will carry your presence, your love and your friendship with me wherever I go.
Wicked, the smashing broadway musical says it best in the song “FOR GOOD”

"It well may be 
That we will never meet again 
In this lifetime 
So let me say before we part 
So much of me 
Is made of what I learned from you 
You'll be with me 
Like a handprint on my heart 
And now whatever way our stories end 
I know you have re-written mine 
By being my friend.."
