Tuesday, April 26, 2011

La Mia Sorella!

I said to my friends and family that working with Beatrice will lead me to a tough decision; whether or not I will ever want to have children. Let me just say that after having my first full day with her, I can already imagine myself having a child; hopefully as precious and kind as her.
For example, today I had to cook lunch for her. Living in Italy, she eats daily meals prepared by the most amazing cooks, so the pressure was on! I made her pasta with olive oil and parmesan cheese, and steak. She told me the order was supposed to be steak first, then pasta (I was positive I had it right). But, because she realized it was my first time cooking for her, she smiled innocently and beautifully at me and said to me, 
“La mia sorella, La mia sorella” 
Which means “My sister” in English... I about melted.
Then she proceeded to eat her pasta, looked up at me with her big, brown eyes and said again, realizing I was upset with my error,
“La pasta e buonisssssssssssima, buonissssssssssssima, buonisssssssssima! 

Meaning, the pasta is very very very good .
Beatrice is 4 years old, innocent with not much understanding, but she realized I was upset with my simple mistake at lunch, and in her own special way, made an attempt to make me feel better, even without many words or actions; just her big brown eyes and a few words.
It made me wonder what life would be like if we all could be as simply sweet and kind as Beatrice....
Probably a much better place!

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