Monday, April 25, 2011

Feeding the American

Talk about a food coma! Sleep never came so easily! 
Buona Pasqua - Happy Easter... an event so extraordinary American eating champion Joey Crawford would be put to the test! 
Traditionally, I have always spent Easter, as well as every other holiday with my family. Whether it is just my parents, my brother and myself, or other relatives and loved ones, we have always been together.
On Easter, we would search for Easter eggs around the house, filled with money (this tradition NEVER got old), eat tons and tons of candy, and eventually sit down for a meal prepared by my mom, or grandmothers. 
This year, however, my holiday was spent in a completely different way. A way I will never forget: In Rome.
At first, I was unsure how it would go; strange not to be around your family during these times. However, Francesca’s graciousness was beyond heartwarming.
I’ve only been living with them for 5 days, and already I feel apart of their family. Based on my past, I never have had to spend a holiday alone, and being made to feel as one with them was touching.
You know in old movies where you see the Italian nonna’s feeding you until you’re sick and need to be rolled home?
Well it’s not like that everyday. HOWEVER, on Easter - It’s a different story.
When I say I ate from afternoon until evening, it is not an understatement. And because I am the new American girl who hardly eats any food (according to them), and hardly speaks any Italian, I was the center of attention when it came to the food.
Every dish was a “specialty” and I had to eat it. 
They are in no means trying to force food down my throat, it is a mere way to show their love and graciousness -

For them, food is their present. 
And it was my birthday!
The whole day was a beautiful day. Even though I was eating like it was my job. I cannot explain to you the amount of love Francesca’s family showed to me. And to one another!
Lunch in Montalto was accompanied under the beautiful sun, with bottles of wine and grappa, and a dozen people showing happiness towards each other’s company. 
Dinner (yes there was a dinner too) overlooked the countryside in Citta di Canino (city of the dogs, non lo so) and included 10 bottles of wine, prosecco (a type of champagne) and about 25 family members. 
I cannot lie when I say I was all smiles all evening. Laughing and enjoying myself! Being surrounded by Italians who speak zero english, you’d think I’d feel overwhelmed, but I had so much fun my heart could burst. 
Not because of the food.
Or the wine,
or the espresso.
Because I’m no longer a stranger - I’m a part of this beautiful family.
Buona Pasqua!

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