Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My room looks like a tornado swept through it last night. My floor is covered with 22 years worth of memories. 
Or “things”. Material things nonetheless.
Stuffed animals.
Nunchucks (I’m not kidding either; I was a mean fighter when I was 10).
My childhood room; pink walls, BSB posters, etc. It symbolizes my youth. And as I slowly try to organize my “memories” I realize how attached I was to these “memories.” And how attached we all become to things. 
I said to one of my regulars last night while I was  bartending, Gary is his name, that packing my life up in three suitcases seems impossible. 
I mean honestly, how could one person pack everything she possibly needs to make a huge move when there are weight constraints and baggage limits?
And Gary calmly said to me (give or take a few words)
“You’re life is not measured by how many bags you have, or the things you carry with you. Your’re  life consists of the memories you make, and the moments in time which help define who you are.”
I’m not one to have speechless moments, but that right there definitely left me reaching for words.
He was right though. I don’t need material things to make me happy, or 12 pairs of shoes to match with every outfit I don’t need. 
I can move to Italy with two suitcases and still succeed because in the end, the number of posters hanging on my wall, or the amount of shoes I have in my closet isn’t going to matter.
What’s going to matter are the steps I take to grow as an individual and moments I experience which no material thing could ever compare too.
I think I’ll take Gary and Thoreau’s advice.

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