Saturday, April 23, 2011

Meeting Meggie

It’s amazing the type of people you meet in your life. Here I am thinking packing up from State College and moving to Rome at 22 was a big step for me....then I met Meggie.
Meggie - in just a few words is an English blonde who has traveled all over Europe working as an Au Pair. 
And she’s YOUNGER than me! 
We meet last night as Francesca (my host mom) and Simona (Meggie’s host mom) are  best friends. There was an immediate connection with her, and I know we will have fun together; once I get over the shock that she is not only bi-lingual, or tri-lingual but can speak 4 languages fluently....and again..
Man do I feel under-accomplished?
Both families, including the young ones went into Roma last night. We walked around Piazza Trilussa, drank some white vino together and chatted outside with mingling Italians.
I’m strongly starting to feel the urge to speak fluently in Italian. Everyone around me can, and my level isn’t even up to par with Beatrice (who’s 4)...but as I sit here blogging, I’m also studying the language.
Maybe Meggie will help. 
After all, she does know four different languages.
Meggie will be a big help though, and I am grateful for knowing her. She has so much experience in this area of work, and I can already tell she will guide me as best as she can. Which is something I know I will need.
I’m off to eat some Gelato and walk around Ostia. I need to figure this place out a little more!
Ciao ciao! Noi parleremo a presto!

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