Tuesday, April 12, 2011

For Good

"Who Can Say If I've Been Changed For The Better, But, Because I Knew You, I Have Been Changed For Good."

Last night I met up with one of my most cherished friends. Jill and I have been close since 8th grade, and we have been through it all! I hadn’t seen her in literally 4 months, but, despite our time apart, it felt as if we hadn’t missed a beat. 
We were that annoying old couple sitting at an Eat n’ Park talking for over three hours  about life, family, jobs...boys. 
There was a lot of laughter, some tears, but most importantly, there was love.
Simple, basic and pure love between two friends.
No matter how much distance is between us, or the length of time we go without seeing each other, the love NEVER dies. 
This is true for all of the friends in my life I love. 
Next Tuesday as I bored my plane to Rome two things will be on my mind:
  1. When will I get to eat gelato?
  2. When will I see the people I love again?
I can’t tell you how scared I am to move to a strange place knowing I will be without my friends. If I could, I would pack up each and every one of you and put you in my suitcase.
I know that is not realistic.
I know we all have destinies to fulfill, our own lives to live, and different places to go. 
Never underestimate the power of friendship. I am the person I am today because of my friends, and I love you all with my entire soul for being in my life.
I wish I could name all of you, but you know who you are.
You’re the ones I laugh hysterically in front of; smile uncontrollably at; drink loads of alcohol and watch stupid movies with. 
You’re the ones who hang out with my parents and wait for me when I’m 45 minutes late.
You meet me for Starbucks, or talk with me on the phone for hours. You make fun of me, all the while making sure I know you’re being sarcastic. You complain with me about work and our jobs, but then hang around Whiskers or an unnamed radio joint just for the company. 
When people try to hurt me, you stand up for me; and when I’m down, you pick me up.
You play basketball with me, then get dressed to the nines for a night out. You laugh at my obsessions with the Backstreet Boys and Kobe Bryant, but you let me sing out loud when I feel the need. We dance to Lady Gaga and Rihanna, and you save me from the most faithful creepers of all.
You hug me when I need it, or just cause, and you support me, through thick and thin.
And most importantly, you love me, ‘cause I’m amazing, Just The Way I Am :
We all have people come in and out of our life.
Sometimes, it hurts when we lose someone, Other times, its freeing to let go and live.
Either way, I know everyone who has been in my life has impacted me in some way, shape or form. And for that, I am thankful.
As I prepare for this move, please know one thing. No matter where I go, or how far we are from one another, I will carry your presence, your love and your friendship with me wherever I go.
Wicked, the smashing broadway musical says it best in the song “FOR GOOD”

"It well may be 
That we will never meet again 
In this lifetime 
So let me say before we part 
So much of me 
Is made of what I learned from you 
You'll be with me 
Like a handprint on my heart 
And now whatever way our stories end 
I know you have re-written mine 
By being my friend.."


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