Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Live In Another Country...To Be Continued.....

I must admit, I’m having some trouble adjusting to this new life. Most people would expect some difficulties, but for me, this is a new experience; I have never had trouble adjusting to a new surrounding or a change in my life.  Trying to figure our your place in the home of a new family is interesting. Eating all three meals together, using their bathroom, interacting with their daughter. These issues may seem minuscule, but I’m a stranger in their home and my biggest goal is to not overstep!
I actually took my first shower this morning since arriving in Roma. Crazy, right? Especially for everyone who knows how important my hair is too me...but, in my defense, how do you hop into a strange shower and take over the bathroom not knowing if someone else needs to use it? 
Don’t get me wrong, Francesca and Vincenzo have been so welcoming to me, and have really made an attempt to make me feel at home. For example, last night, Vincenzo even showed me how to turn on the TV so I can watch the NBA! He knows I’m a Lakers fan, so that was INCREDIBLE, but still, this is not my home and this is not my family, adjusting is going to take time (which we all know I’m bad with)
Thankfully, with today, I feel much better about the arrangements. 
Living in Italy is sweet, but I am in another country, lost without a lot of my friends. I’ll figure out the way this life works, just give me some time (damnit). And I’ll let you know.

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