Friday, April 29, 2011

The Tale of Two Cities

I had two posters hanging in my bedroom at Penn State.

The first was a picture of New York.
It stated, simply, these few words:

“New York, New York, so good, they named it twice.”
The second was a picture of the Colosseum in Roma. 
It stated simply:
“It’s hard to imagine how beautiful life can be until you live in Rome.”
These are the two cities I desire to live in. Both for various reasons. 
I desire to live in New York, for its excitement; the fast-paced lifestyle. The entertainment provided daily just by taking a walk in a city that never sleeps.
Also, for my own creative genius - NYC is PERFECT for my work in Public Relations, Advertising, or anything else involved in Communications.
But, although NYC is amazing, Rome is another story. 

Just yesterday, I took a ride into Roma with Francesca’s sister Sabrina. When we exited the metro into the sunlight, a beautiful site was to be held.
Sitting right in front of me was the Colosseum! Ancient Rome, thousands of years old, right there, in the middle of a busy, crowded city.
Breathtaking isn’t even a strong enough word. To look at something so magnificent is astounding. What’s even crazier in my mind is the notion that it’s not just an ancient site, but it’s older than my ENTIRE COUNTRY. The U.S. is a baby compared to the Colosseum.
And I realized that being in Rome, and living in this country will open my eyes to so many things. I will be immersed in a culture so wise and knowledgeable it’s impossible for me to not grow while I’m here.
(Besides, it’s pretty cool having the Colosseum practically in your backyard, and being able to visit the Fontana di Trevi anytime you feel like taking a walk.)
Walking out from the metro to see the Colosseum right in front of me was like starring at the world through the eyes of a child; I realized how much bigger it was and how much more I can accomplish and see in this life.
And truly, life is quite beautiful living in Rome.

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