Friday, April 22, 2011

NiNi’s and Makeup.

My first Friday in Ostia is turning out to be a lovely day. And I am starting to feel more comfortable and adjusted. This is my second morning with Beatrice, and already I can see habits forming. In the morning she quietly comes to my bedroom door with her “NiNi” (blankie) and her thumb in her mouth and looks at me to allow her to enter. The look on this precious girl’s face is almost to much to bear! And her blanket is a subtle reminder to my “BahBah” from back’s like looking into the past with her!
Since there is a language barrier, we watch a few videos (Disney, Hello Kitty, Dora) then she brings her clothes into my room and changes. I think this helps her feel close to me since we can’t always understand each oher. 
Next it’s my favorite time with her- makeup time! There is no need for me to bother to do my makeup, for Beatrice takes the time to do it for eyeshadow is not a good look for me just so you know! She is so enthralled with her mom’s makeup, as well as mine, and I’m tolerant to her interest; just as long as I don’t run out too quickly!!
These habits I hope are a way for us to become comfortable with one another. Although I know she is frustrated because she cannot understand me, and vice versa, we are connecting, slowly, but surely! 
Her mom paid me a compliment yesterday, saying how surprised she was to Beatrice warming up to me so quickly. This is a good sign I believe :)
It’s going to take time (there’s that issue again), but we will get to a good level, and develop confidence and trust in one another...who knows when, but it I can feel it happening!

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