Monday, June 20, 2011

I Love You...Goodbye

Ti Amo Sempre....Addio
I wanted a perfect ending.  Now I've learned that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle or end.
But how lucky am I to have had something 
so hard to say goodbye too?
Sometimes you have to let the ones you love the most be free
Letting go... that’s when love hurts the most of all. 
But when it hurts, you know it was real.
It’s weird when you know the end of something great is coming. 
You want to hold on, just for one more second 
just so it can hurt a little more. 
But now, the pain is too much to bear.
You see colors no one else can see, and because of your love, you gave me more to live for than you'll ever know. 
You will remain in my heart per sempre.
I love you...goodbye.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Girls - We Run This World

“It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her son, and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.” 
~Helen Rowland

You should never under-estimate the power of women. Behind our big smiles, mascara and hairspray, there is a strong, intelligent being who can see right through any act a person may portray.
The ego of a man is intriguing to me. I would love to be a fly on the wall in a men’s locker-room, or inside a frat house on the day of a football game. I want to hear what they say, watch how the behave, and understand their thoughts on females.
Friday night, Mr. “Model” thought he had me played; he thought he had an American ‘fool’. He spoke of religion and politics, with a worldly view on education and the like. 
But being brilliant is not great accomplishment if you lack respect towards people.
The disrespect he showed towards me and my friend Friday night has me boiling inside; I’m angered, frustrated and beyond hurt that someone could treat another human being so rottenly.
But, in the end, we won. And like usual, good prevailed over evil.
So as Meggie and I were cozy in our rooms, and he was sleeping under a bush, his model-esque persona transformed into a lonely, sick, and  immature boy without a home and nowhere to go.
Who's the fool now?
If anything, this should be a lesson to all. Always follow that simple, yet perfect Golden Rule. And NEVER, EVER mess with two highly educated females - you will not win, 'cause we run this world :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day Papa!

“A Father Carries Pictures Where His Money Used To Be. “
~Author Unknown
I wouldn’t be the person I am today with out the love and support of my dad. Constantly sacrificing his time, energy, and money (I’m expensive) to make sure me and my brother had the best upbringing and most opportunities to learn and grow into intelligent individuals.
From dance recitals to basketball games, he was there.
From prom and semi-formals, to car insurance and vacations, he gave up his own needs, for my wants.
He taught me to appreciate the little things; like a car ride in the country side,or the beauty of “mosying” around. He is truly more Italian than he realizes.
When I was a little girl, he would sing me songs to sleep, often, he made up his own lyrics, my favorite, was: 
“You Are My Sunshine”
“You Are My Sunshine
My Only Sunshine
You Make Me Happy
When Skies are Grey.
You’ll Never Know Dear, How Much I Love You
Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away.” 
So here’s to you Dad! Thank you for everything you have done for me.
 I hope I can make you proud in everything I do!
 As they say in Italy, “Ti Voglio Bene Papa”
Happy Father’s Day :)

Friday, June 17, 2011


“If a June night could talk, it would 
probably boast it invented romance.“
~Bern Williams
Summer is here, the sun is hot, the beaches are crowded. 
At noon today, Bea will finish school! I’m really looking forward to the next few months, summertime in Italy! Playing all day, at the park, reading and coloring, and, naturally, the beach! I think her English will only continue to improve now, since she will be surrounded by it for 8 hours a day! 
Fingers crossed. :)
Tonight, I will head out on a date with a Russian model. Me and Meggie met him last week when he fixed my broken shoe so we could go dancing.
And my sense of “adventure” is kicking in.
Well, His English is weak, my Italian is “cosi-cosi”. It’s a perfect opportunity to force myself into Italian mode - being shy will not fly with me tonight. My head will be spinning with the amount of verb-conjugations.
But (there is always a but), when he looks this pretty, 
I think I will be able to manage taking an "un aperitivo" with him. At least I'll try!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

La Bella Vita

“Happiness is like a butterfly. 
If we chase it, it will fly away, 
If we let it be, 
It will come to us.”
-Elena Brower

Sunday, June 12, 2011

In Love With Scooters

“Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.”
-Captain Jack Sparrow
I often speak of the simple beauty of Rome. The magic that surrounds this city. With every step taken on a cobblestone road, and every ancient landmark passed on the way to work, the atmosphere is simply enchanting.
One of my deepest desires, and wishes has been to ride around Rome, touring the city on a motorbike. When I was in Reggio, all my friends and I dreamed of riding a vespa. It’s a fear of mine, but as they say... 
“When in Rome.”   
I love the idea of touring Rome in the open air, 
with the wind in my face (despite realizing I will have major helmet head). I never thought I would get the chance to ride on a scooter through Rome, but yesterday,
 I crossed this wish off my bucket list!
Making a bucket list helped me realize the importance of adventure. Of facing your fears and diving head first into a world of unknown things and territories.
Helen Keller said it best, that
“Life is either a great adventure or nothing”.
I choose a great adventure.
So in the city with horrible, horrible drivers, a lack of respect for the rules of the road,  little cars, angry Romans, and scooters flying in and out of every corner of the city, I chose to hop on the back of a motorbike and conquer a fear.
Safe? That is yet to be determined.
The bike looked a little something like this:
The driver looked similar to this:
I might have seen death flash before my eyes, but, it was all worth it.  A tour around ancient Rome on the back of a scooter driven my own personal Jack Sparrow, I'll take it. 
A simple beauty driving around Ancient Rome, a simple treasure I will cherish.

Friday, June 10, 2011

In Perfect Time

“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”
These past two nights, I have had the most vivid and beautiful dreams; filled with people who have affected my life in such a way that just the thought of them warms my heart. I love that feeling, described in the quote above, where I am slowly awakening from my slumber, but my dream is so vivid and real. I believe I could reach out and touch those in my dream. But, they are so delicate, I’m afraid a touch will make them vanish.
Someone once told me a dream is a wish your heart makes.
If that is true, then my heart is wishing for the same thing every night.
When reality sets in, and I realize that beautiful music in the background of my dream is really the annoying “ping” of my alarm clock, I dread opening my eyes. 
But, I know that night after night, I will continue to dream, and my heart will continue to wish, and in all perfect timing, those wishes will come true. And I will no longer have to dream. <3

Thursday, June 9, 2011


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do. 
So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. 
Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Two girls, from two completely different countries, time zones...basically, two completely different worlds. But together, they have formed a common a bond; spreading their wings out to fly solo, amongst strangers, all while trying to figure out what direction their life should and will take them next.
There is no better place, to relax from a long day and think about their future, then along the sandy beaches of Ostia, Italy. Watching the sun set over the Mediterranean, they watch the day light colors of white and blue fade into long ribbons of purple and pink, all while sipping on a quite memorable wine and laughing at the creepy Italian men as they pass by.
Two girls.
Two Au Pairs.
Two friends <3 

We don't have it all together; we have faults and fears, and every day stresses, but, somehow, lying on that towel, feeling the breeze in our face and the sound of the ocean reaching the beach, we realize everything will be ok. 
And for a moment, life is picture perfect.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Beauty of Italian

Part of my studying today consists of translating a poem from Danielle Steel's novel 'Batte il Cuore' which from what I understand, translates to mean heartbeats. The beauty of this poem is not hard to understand; whether in English, or in Italian...but I gave you both versions - just in case!
Batte il Cuore
Con il suo ritmo e il ticchettio,
chiedendosi che cosa sta facendo,
innocente, dolcissimo, dolci sogni,
battito del cuore
musica cara alle mier orrecchie
una mano da stringere per placare i miei timori
passi amarosi nella notte,
speranze custodite gelosamente
che splendono per sempre,
fulgidissimo amore dono del Cielo,
tenerissima, dolcissima ninnananna
miracolo di piccoli piedi,
scaturito da un unico,
inestimabile battito
che canta una dolcissima canzoncina,
il mio cuore al tuo apparterra sempre,
questo legame definitivo questo vincolo cosi sicuro,
nato del nostro amore, cosi forte e puro,
ora sussurra gentilmente
mentre il piccolo dorme,
il nostro amore sempre vivra`
e mentre la magica 
polvere di stelle si disperde nell’aria,
il mio cuore e per sempre,
in eterno, tuo.
With its rhythm and the ticking,
wondering, what is it doing,
innocent, sweetness, sweet dreams,
music dear to my ears
a hand to hold to calm my fears
past loves in the night
hopes to treasure
that they shine forever
great love 
a gift from Heaven
tenderness, sweet lullaby
the miracle of small feet
rising from one unique,
priceless heartbeat,
that sings a sweet song,
my heart belongs to yours always
this definite link
this bond so true
born for our love
so strong and pure,
now it whispers kindly while the little one sleeps,
our love will live on forever 
and while the magic of stardust bursts in the air,
my heart is forever,in eternity, yours.
With words as beautiful as this, it is hard for me to not want to speak Italian all day, every day. So as I set a goal to study and learn more and more each day, take the time today to focus on something you want, and set aside time to make it happen. Feel inspired. <3

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Eternal City

“All roads indeed lead to Rome, but theirs also is a more mystical destination, some bourne of which no traveller knows the name,
 some city, they all seem to hint, even more eternal.” - Richard Le Gallienne
Rome, Italy - the ‘Eternal City’. Where ancient relics, ghostly hauntings of Emperor’s and Popes, and modern technology collide. Where any given day you can walk by the Colosseo and think nothing of it, or, you can run a race around Circo Massimo because it only makes sense. 
I don’t know if there is any place on earth quite as magical as this city;  to me, it seems everywhere you go, everywhere you look, there is a story - a deep, meaningful history to every building, every painting, every piazza. 
Simply enchanting. Simply breathtaking.
Sunday morning, we took a trip into Rome to view some of the artwork by the famous painter, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (or simply, Caravaggio).
Caravaggio was an Italian artist who’s work has become some of the most talked-about and influential art in the world. He was commissioned by the Pope during the Counter-Reformation.
I won’t lie, it’s hard for me to truly have a deep appreciation for art, since I have no clear understanding of the work and symbolism involved.
BUT, Caravaggio was controversial. And that, I love.
His work was controversial as his depictions of Saints strongly differed from any artist at that time. For example, his depiction of Mary wearing a red cloak. To us, nothing is unordinary about that, but at that time red was the color of sex; prostitution, promiscuous activity, etc. 
And who doesn’t love controversy about sex and the church, right??

Below is Caravaggio's Madonna of the Pilgrims, made between 1603 and 1606. Displayed in the Church of St. Augustine, a stone’s throw away from Piazza Navona. One of Carvaggio’s most controversial as Mary is depicted barefoot and in a red cloak.

The Calling of St. Matthew and The Inspiration of St. Matthew. Both of these painting hang in San Luigi dei Francesi. And finally, The Martyrdom of St. Matthew, 

also hanging in San Luigi dei Francesi.

Friday, June 3, 2011

I Found Everlasting Love...Right Under My Nose

What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories.  ~George Eliot

Truth be told, I think you would have a hard time finding anyone in this world who doesn’t crave everlasting love; the timeless kind of love you see in the movies, read about in Danielle Steel novels, or imagine when your favorite love song plays on your Ipod. 
Who actually knows if this perfect love exists. Many relationships and marriages fail, over and over again, no matter how indestructible they seem to those on the outside.
Since I’m so young, without much experience in the "true love" department, I’m a rookie on this subject, but what I have come to determine is everlasting love doesn’t just come from a romantic or intimate point of view, but that everlasting love does exist in our families.
When I think of this type of love, I am immediately warmed as I realize no matter where I am, where I go, or what I do, I have the everlasting love of my family. 
This upcoming week, my parents will celebrate 29 years of marriage. 29 years of memories, both good and bad, trials and tribulations, friendships, celebrations, ups and downs, life, death, happiness, sadness, two children (o dio). The list goes on and on... 
Growing up, I remember trying to find my independence from my family at an early age. I wanted to explore the world, and leave mom and dad at home. I was too immature, too simple-minded to understand the importance of a family. A support-system.
Now, I appreciate their love and devotion to me more than anything; I realize just how beneficial family is. For me, it has been a never-ending story filled with constant love, support and everything in between. I’ve had my share of embarrassing moments, disappointing moments, and moments I know I hurt my family. But through it all, they never stopped loving me, or teaching me how to grow.
I am the young woman I am today because of what my mom and dad, uncle, aunt, grandparents, cousins, etc. taught me, showed me, and inspired me to be. 
I’m still growing, learning, making mistakes, getting parking tickets, the like, but, I am keeping with me all of the values and morals they instilled in me, and I know I am growing stronger (and, maybe wiser) every day.
Although I’m living several thousand miles away, in a different time zone, there isn’t a day that goes by I’m not thinking about my family and how much they mean to me. I don’t have to search for everlasting family has proven to me their love is everlasting, and with that in mind, I can climb mountains.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, I love you with all my heart and thank God every day for blessing me with your everlasting love.

Ti voglio bene.