Friday, June 3, 2011

I Found Everlasting Love...Right Under My Nose

What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories.  ~George Eliot

Truth be told, I think you would have a hard time finding anyone in this world who doesn’t crave everlasting love; the timeless kind of love you see in the movies, read about in Danielle Steel novels, or imagine when your favorite love song plays on your Ipod. 
Who actually knows if this perfect love exists. Many relationships and marriages fail, over and over again, no matter how indestructible they seem to those on the outside.
Since I’m so young, without much experience in the "true love" department, I’m a rookie on this subject, but what I have come to determine is everlasting love doesn’t just come from a romantic or intimate point of view, but that everlasting love does exist in our families.
When I think of this type of love, I am immediately warmed as I realize no matter where I am, where I go, or what I do, I have the everlasting love of my family. 
This upcoming week, my parents will celebrate 29 years of marriage. 29 years of memories, both good and bad, trials and tribulations, friendships, celebrations, ups and downs, life, death, happiness, sadness, two children (o dio). The list goes on and on... 
Growing up, I remember trying to find my independence from my family at an early age. I wanted to explore the world, and leave mom and dad at home. I was too immature, too simple-minded to understand the importance of a family. A support-system.
Now, I appreciate their love and devotion to me more than anything; I realize just how beneficial family is. For me, it has been a never-ending story filled with constant love, support and everything in between. I’ve had my share of embarrassing moments, disappointing moments, and moments I know I hurt my family. But through it all, they never stopped loving me, or teaching me how to grow.
I am the young woman I am today because of what my mom and dad, uncle, aunt, grandparents, cousins, etc. taught me, showed me, and inspired me to be. 
I’m still growing, learning, making mistakes, getting parking tickets, the like, but, I am keeping with me all of the values and morals they instilled in me, and I know I am growing stronger (and, maybe wiser) every day.
Although I’m living several thousand miles away, in a different time zone, there isn’t a day that goes by I’m not thinking about my family and how much they mean to me. I don’t have to search for everlasting family has proven to me their love is everlasting, and with that in mind, I can climb mountains.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, I love you with all my heart and thank God every day for blessing me with your everlasting love.

Ti voglio bene.

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