Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Beauty of Italian

Part of my studying today consists of translating a poem from Danielle Steel's novel 'Batte il Cuore' which from what I understand, translates to mean heartbeats. The beauty of this poem is not hard to understand; whether in English, or in Italian...but I gave you both versions - just in case!
Batte il Cuore
Con il suo ritmo e il ticchettio,
chiedendosi che cosa sta facendo,
innocente, dolcissimo, dolci sogni,
battito del cuore
musica cara alle mier orrecchie
una mano da stringere per placare i miei timori
passi amarosi nella notte,
speranze custodite gelosamente
che splendono per sempre,
fulgidissimo amore dono del Cielo,
tenerissima, dolcissima ninnananna
miracolo di piccoli piedi,
scaturito da un unico,
inestimabile battito
che canta una dolcissima canzoncina,
il mio cuore al tuo apparterra sempre,
questo legame definitivo questo vincolo cosi sicuro,
nato del nostro amore, cosi forte e puro,
ora sussurra gentilmente
mentre il piccolo dorme,
il nostro amore sempre vivra`
e mentre la magica 
polvere di stelle si disperde nell’aria,
il mio cuore e per sempre,
in eterno, tuo.
With its rhythm and the ticking,
wondering, what is it doing,
innocent, sweetness, sweet dreams,
music dear to my ears
a hand to hold to calm my fears
past loves in the night
hopes to treasure
that they shine forever
great love 
a gift from Heaven
tenderness, sweet lullaby
the miracle of small feet
rising from one unique,
priceless heartbeat,
that sings a sweet song,
my heart belongs to yours always
this definite link
this bond so true
born for our love
so strong and pure,
now it whispers kindly while the little one sleeps,
our love will live on forever 
and while the magic of stardust bursts in the air,
my heart is forever,in eternity, yours.
With words as beautiful as this, it is hard for me to not want to speak Italian all day, every day. So as I set a goal to study and learn more and more each day, take the time today to focus on something you want, and set aside time to make it happen. Feel inspired. <3

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