Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day Papa!

“A Father Carries Pictures Where His Money Used To Be. “
~Author Unknown
I wouldn’t be the person I am today with out the love and support of my dad. Constantly sacrificing his time, energy, and money (I’m expensive) to make sure me and my brother had the best upbringing and most opportunities to learn and grow into intelligent individuals.
From dance recitals to basketball games, he was there.
From prom and semi-formals, to car insurance and vacations, he gave up his own needs, for my wants.
He taught me to appreciate the little things; like a car ride in the country side,or the beauty of “mosying” around. He is truly more Italian than he realizes.
When I was a little girl, he would sing me songs to sleep, often, he made up his own lyrics, my favorite, was: 
“You Are My Sunshine”
“You Are My Sunshine
My Only Sunshine
You Make Me Happy
When Skies are Grey.
You’ll Never Know Dear, How Much I Love You
Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away.” 
So here’s to you Dad! Thank you for everything you have done for me.
 I hope I can make you proud in everything I do!
 As they say in Italy, “Ti Voglio Bene Papa”
Happy Father’s Day :)

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