Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sense of Urgency

"So from now on when you think of me, 
just remember that I could have been the best thing you ever had."
Outside of my window, the sun is sending it’s warmth into my bedroom. Somehow, there is a cool breeze today. Quite a relief since I feel like I’m going through the early-stages of menopause!
As I lay in my room, taking in the last few minutes of my siesta, I’m filled with a sense of urgency.
An urgency to do so many things. 
  • Learn this language.
  • Go on an adventure.
  • Fold my laundry....obviously that will wait
This morning, I Skyped with one of my dearest friends back home in DuBois. We were, like usual, complaining about the complexity of the male species. No matter how detailed our conversations get, or how much advice we offer one another, we always seem to come to the same conclusion: men are stupid (ok that's a BIT harsh).
In her case, she has been holding back from expressing herself to someone she has been eyeing up for several months now. No matter what attempts she makes, he seems completely clueless to her feelings. 
As I’m listening to her, trying to relate my experiences to her situation, I came to this sensation, this feeling of urgency; the desire to stop resisting, stop holding back, and begin taking charge. 
I told her she needed to find this sense of urgency I had discovered, and take the “bull-by-the-horns” and go after what she wants.
I said she had to make it known to this person-of-interest how she really feels. In my mind, if she doesn’t at least open up and allow him to know how she feels, she will never know what “might have been.”
My past experiences, past and present relationships, and the like, all could have benefitted from my this own advice I’m giving to my friend! 
Hopefully, she considers my words, and realizes the sense of urgency in this situation.
This "epiphany" I had this morning helped me draw a conclusion about this complicated world. In order to get what you want in life, you CAN'T sit back and just wish for it, you need to stand up, go out into the world, and get what you want, desire, and deserve the most.
This notion doesn’t just apply to ventures towards the opposite-sex (or same-sex for that matter), it applies to life in general. 
Find urgency within you to accomplish what you want most in life, 
for we only have one life to live.
No regrets.

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