Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Inspiration By Water

"At the beach, life is different. Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun."
I was passing through some of my photos at the beach, and I was in awe of the beauty of the water I have seen in Italy...it was mesmorizing to me. Even after having seen these photos plenty of times, I felt fresh - alive! 
I hope you find them as tranquil and peaceful and inspiring as I have. So as Summer fads into Fall, and Winter draws near, remember the warmth, and the beauty of simple water. It can surely cleanse and revive the soul. Another simple gift God has blessed us with.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Eat Your Heart Out - Italian Dessert Style!

“Uno non può pensare bene, amare bene, 
dormire bene, se non ha mangiato bene.”
“One cannot think well, love well, 
or sleep well if he hasn’t eaten well”
Happy Birthday Dad! Or, I could say:
Buon Compleanno! Auguri!
In Italy, Buon Compleanno is the proper term for Happy Birthday, however, Auguri (meaning ‘congratulations’) is the more commonly used term. For Italians, birthdays consist of family and friends, food (big shock, I know), but, the most important part, seems to be the dessert that follows the meal.
Italian desserts are more delicate and desirable than any other type of dessert I’ve experienced. They are hand-prepared at a Pasticceria, with the utmost care and love. It’s as if each baker is creating a masterpiece and it must be done to perfection. Then, the dessert is wrapped like a present and carried off to it’s final destination. 
There’s semi-freddo (semi-cold cake), tiramisu (no introduction needed), or my personal favorite, a big cup of gelato known as “la grande abbuffata”. The list goes on, that is certain, and since I’m missing out on my Dad’s bithday this year, I think I’ll learn how to creat one of these confections and next time I’m home, I’ll make him a special Italian dessert to make up for lost time - and I can promise, take one look at these desserts and you’ll know it will be worth the wait! :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Acting A Bit Crazy

“Non c’e mai grande ingegno senza 
una vena di pazzia”
“There’s never a great genius without a hint of craziness”
It’s true, don’t you think?
Out of the millions of brilliant thinkers that have graced us with their presence, which of them followed all the rules? Which of them took the textbook steps to success? Take a look at Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, President Obama. All young, innovative thinkers who thought “outside of the box”; developed less conventional ideas and with some faith, leaped into the unknown in search of success.
I’m positive their friends and family thought they were crazy at some point. A black man running for the President of the United States; a young college student creating ANOTHER social media site. 
Crazy, absurd ideas.
But look at them now?
We look at Zuckerberg, and we applaud him for his entrepreneuship, or we look at Obama and feel inspired that he accomplished the impossible. 
And their critics are dumbfounded at their success; they can’t figure out how is worked.
Today, I had a great Italian lunch with Bea and her family, and while eating our strawberry tiramisu (assolutamente incredible...proprio), I saw this quote on the container home to this delicious confection. It was yet another subtle reminder to me, as it should be everyone, that a little thinking, planning and a little madness can go a long way. Why not reach for the impossible? Especially if impossible really is nothing.
I think acting a bit mad, amongst a world full of rules is only healthy. No one worth admiring ever followed all the rules. So take your ideas and run with them; do you what you have to do to succeed and make your ideas grow and flourish. If it means moving to Rome, do so, if it means selling everything you have a starting a business, do it. Take a chance, give in to your madness, and embrace your dreams.
You’ll never know what you can accomplish unless you try.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Go On, Learn Another Language!

“If you can speak three languages you're trilingual.  If you can speak two languages you're bilingual.  If you can speak only one language you're an American.” ~Author Unknown
Learning to speak a foreign language may seem unorthodox to many people; especially many English-speaking gents. In Italy, having the ability to speak English is highly desired. For the Italians, if you can speak English, you have a much greater chance succeeding at finding a high-paying job. 
So here I am, mother-tongue English trying to learn Italian.
Sounds a bit backwards right?
In fact, many of my friends and colleagues don’t understand. They say to me, “Marissa, everyone wants to speak English, why bother to speak Italian?”
Well, I had a thought last night, as I tried to rationalize my passion for learning a romance language and it went a little something like this:
The world is made up of hundreds, if not thousands of varying cultures and languages, and it seems it is utterly impossible for one to have any type of competence regarding these cultures unless the language barrier is broken down. 
Am I not right? 
I mean, when my mom and brother came to Rome, I think the biggest shock for them was the language; almost as if they expected everyone to speak English without hesitation.
English may be the most desirable language for success and prominence, but how can we allow ourselves to be binded by one language, one “culture” when the world is so huge?
It’s so satisfying to be able to understand when listening to Italians speak, or to read a book or watch an commercial and understand it’s meaning. And I feel learning a language is a task everyone should take a stab at. I mean, why not? It’s challenging, yes, and frustrating, but, rewarding.
It’s impossible to learn and understand every culture, but we have the capacity to learn as much as possible, so why not try to learn something apart from what we already know?
Language shouldn’t bind us, it should set us free. I think everyone should take the time to challenge themselves and learn a different language. It will open you to a variety of new experiences and challenges, and will let you adapt understanding to a culture completely different from your own.
The quote I use above is so true - it speaks of our own ignorance to the world outside of America. I'm proud to be American, and I LOVE English. But, when I run into people my own age who can speak 5 languages, and I’m struggling with two - I think it says something! 
Challenge yourself, don't allow one language to bind you.

Go, learn and speak!!
(As my brother learned, it helps you pick up chicks as well)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Feelin' A Bit Irish

“May you never lie, steal, cheat or drink.
But if you must lie, lie in each other's arms.
If you must steal, steal kisses.
If you must cheat, cheat death.
And if you must drink, drink with us, your friends.”
-Irish Proverb
Everyone has their favorite hang-out spot. You know, that place where you can meet your friends after work for Happy Hour, or for coffee and gossip, or to clear your head and unwind after a stressful day. 
The place where everyone knows your name.
That was so cliche, so I digress.
I had these places back home; Starbucks (all three of them in State College), Barnes and Nobles, and Whiskers, (when I wasn’t working of course). These places offered me comfort, a place to study, or read, or a place to relax with my friends. 
When you move on from college, or move away from a comfort zone, it’s often difficult to find that “place”; You want to have fun, meet new people, all at the same time, feeling comfortable and “at home”.
Finally, after a few months of wondering Italy trying to fine a few “places”. I’ve succeeded! VIVA!!! I know where I can go to have the best aperitivos, coffees and gelato without feeling like an outsider.
And, when I want to feel at home...
like, really at home, I can head over to Scholar’s Lounge.
An Irish Pub where I can watch Penn State football, The NFL, AND the Lakers, eat grilled chicken salads, or buffalo wings, and speak English without feeling like I’m being disrespectful. 
It took me a while, and a few uneventful experiences, but I found these places that make Rome a little more like home. Everyone wants that place they can go; where the people are friendly, the music is good, and the atmosphere allows you to sit back and smile and enjoy the beautiful life they have been granted. If I can find these places, ANYONE can!
So if you’ve recently moved, and are looking for that “place”, have patience and give it some time - you’ll eventually stumble upon it the way I did, and you’ll cherish the moment you do!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Facebook or Fate?

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”
Facebook. It never ceases to amaze me. 
Mark Zuckerberg is one smart cookie, who is constantly coming up with new ideas and these ideas continuously help advance my level of proscrination, all at the same time! 
It’s amazing. ;)
If you haven’t noticed, currently you can view your past stati (that’s plural for status, just FYI). It’s like an immediate “flash to the past”.
Most of my stati are lame, and I wonder 
“Why would you post that, Marissa?’
But today’s post is slightly less lame, and a bit more eye-opening. One year ago today, I posted on Facebook that I was going back to Italy.  
And here I am, back in Rome
I wonder if it’s any indicator of accomplishing your goals, or maybe it’s proof that life is decided by fate? Was I destined to return to Italy? And if so, am I accomplishing all that I am supposed to? 
Who knows, maybe I’ll make another Facebook status and see where it gets me next year.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Starbucks, You Are Missed!

“Behind every successful woman is a
 substantial amount of coffee.” 
Stephanie Piro
Ahh the sweet smell of roasted coffee beans, the sound of espresso machines, the taste of sweetness and bitterness all rolled into one...ahh the beauty of...Starbucks.
Yes I am blogging about Starbucks. 
Because out of all the things I’ve had to adjust to while living in Italy, there is one thing I can’t manage to adjust too - and that is the lack of Starbucks in my life. 
I am living in the coffee capital of the world, and you’re probably wondering why the hell I am missing Starbucks, well, I will tell you my friend.
It’s not necessarily the coffee I am missing (because truthfully, the coffe in Italy is incomparable), it’s the ambiance, the atmosphere of Starbucks that I miss - a comfort of mine I grew to love the three years I lived in State College.
Every day I would travel to Starbucks. 
Every day.
I think my friend figured out that I would spend about $100 a month on coffee (more than I spent on clothes, or shoes, or partying).
My uncle used to joke that I could easily be the spokesperson of Starbucks my habit was so strong.
The beauty of Starbucks, for me, was the ability to walk into an atmosphere that accepted me and left me feeling comfortable; comfortable enough to stroll in at 7am after a long night, or spend my afternoons and sometimes, late-evenings studying in a corner with my Iced Grande SF Vanilla Coffee (my fav). I could be alone, or with beautiful company, or, running late to work because I HAD to stop and get a Starbucks before my shift.
Last week, my two dear friends, Michele and Nichele traveled to Paris, and they found a Starbucks! Michele called me from inside the Starbucks, just to allow me the joy of this experience for a brief moment. And, with her understanding of my love, she even brought me back a cup!
So yes, my addiction for Starbucks is still strong - I do miss my mornings, afternoons, and evenings spent at my favorite spot. 
So Starbucks, if you ever read this, I am willing to help you begin your journey breaking into the Italian coffee market - and you would succeed. There are hungry Americans dying for Starbucks in Rome, and after all, I’m here, and probably would never leave your side! 
Until then, I’ll make my own version of iced coffee......now if only I could find ice...