Friday, September 9, 2011

Facebook or Fate?

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”
Facebook. It never ceases to amaze me. 
Mark Zuckerberg is one smart cookie, who is constantly coming up with new ideas and these ideas continuously help advance my level of proscrination, all at the same time! 
It’s amazing. ;)
If you haven’t noticed, currently you can view your past stati (that’s plural for status, just FYI). It’s like an immediate “flash to the past”.
Most of my stati are lame, and I wonder 
“Why would you post that, Marissa?’
But today’s post is slightly less lame, and a bit more eye-opening. One year ago today, I posted on Facebook that I was going back to Italy.  
And here I am, back in Rome
I wonder if it’s any indicator of accomplishing your goals, or maybe it’s proof that life is decided by fate? Was I destined to return to Italy? And if so, am I accomplishing all that I am supposed to? 
Who knows, maybe I’ll make another Facebook status and see where it gets me next year.

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