Sunday, September 25, 2011

Acting A Bit Crazy

“Non c’e mai grande ingegno senza 
una vena di pazzia”
“There’s never a great genius without a hint of craziness”
It’s true, don’t you think?
Out of the millions of brilliant thinkers that have graced us with their presence, which of them followed all the rules? Which of them took the textbook steps to success? Take a look at Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, President Obama. All young, innovative thinkers who thought “outside of the box”; developed less conventional ideas and with some faith, leaped into the unknown in search of success.
I’m positive their friends and family thought they were crazy at some point. A black man running for the President of the United States; a young college student creating ANOTHER social media site. 
Crazy, absurd ideas.
But look at them now?
We look at Zuckerberg, and we applaud him for his entrepreneuship, or we look at Obama and feel inspired that he accomplished the impossible. 
And their critics are dumbfounded at their success; they can’t figure out how is worked.
Today, I had a great Italian lunch with Bea and her family, and while eating our strawberry tiramisu (assolutamente incredible...proprio), I saw this quote on the container home to this delicious confection. It was yet another subtle reminder to me, as it should be everyone, that a little thinking, planning and a little madness can go a long way. Why not reach for the impossible? Especially if impossible really is nothing.
I think acting a bit mad, amongst a world full of rules is only healthy. No one worth admiring ever followed all the rules. So take your ideas and run with them; do you what you have to do to succeed and make your ideas grow and flourish. If it means moving to Rome, do so, if it means selling everything you have a starting a business, do it. Take a chance, give in to your madness, and embrace your dreams.
You’ll never know what you can accomplish unless you try.

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