Saturday, September 17, 2011

Feelin' A Bit Irish

“May you never lie, steal, cheat or drink.
But if you must lie, lie in each other's arms.
If you must steal, steal kisses.
If you must cheat, cheat death.
And if you must drink, drink with us, your friends.”
-Irish Proverb
Everyone has their favorite hang-out spot. You know, that place where you can meet your friends after work for Happy Hour, or for coffee and gossip, or to clear your head and unwind after a stressful day. 
The place where everyone knows your name.
That was so cliche, so I digress.
I had these places back home; Starbucks (all three of them in State College), Barnes and Nobles, and Whiskers, (when I wasn’t working of course). These places offered me comfort, a place to study, or read, or a place to relax with my friends. 
When you move on from college, or move away from a comfort zone, it’s often difficult to find that “place”; You want to have fun, meet new people, all at the same time, feeling comfortable and “at home”.
Finally, after a few months of wondering Italy trying to fine a few “places”. I’ve succeeded! VIVA!!! I know where I can go to have the best aperitivos, coffees and gelato without feeling like an outsider.
And, when I want to feel at home...
like, really at home, I can head over to Scholar’s Lounge.
An Irish Pub where I can watch Penn State football, The NFL, AND the Lakers, eat grilled chicken salads, or buffalo wings, and speak English without feeling like I’m being disrespectful. 
It took me a while, and a few uneventful experiences, but I found these places that make Rome a little more like home. Everyone wants that place they can go; where the people are friendly, the music is good, and the atmosphere allows you to sit back and smile and enjoy the beautiful life they have been granted. If I can find these places, ANYONE can!
So if you’ve recently moved, and are looking for that “place”, have patience and give it some time - you’ll eventually stumble upon it the way I did, and you’ll cherish the moment you do!

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