Monday, September 19, 2011

Go On, Learn Another Language!

“If you can speak three languages you're trilingual.  If you can speak two languages you're bilingual.  If you can speak only one language you're an American.” ~Author Unknown
Learning to speak a foreign language may seem unorthodox to many people; especially many English-speaking gents. In Italy, having the ability to speak English is highly desired. For the Italians, if you can speak English, you have a much greater chance succeeding at finding a high-paying job. 
So here I am, mother-tongue English trying to learn Italian.
Sounds a bit backwards right?
In fact, many of my friends and colleagues don’t understand. They say to me, “Marissa, everyone wants to speak English, why bother to speak Italian?”
Well, I had a thought last night, as I tried to rationalize my passion for learning a romance language and it went a little something like this:
The world is made up of hundreds, if not thousands of varying cultures and languages, and it seems it is utterly impossible for one to have any type of competence regarding these cultures unless the language barrier is broken down. 
Am I not right? 
I mean, when my mom and brother came to Rome, I think the biggest shock for them was the language; almost as if they expected everyone to speak English without hesitation.
English may be the most desirable language for success and prominence, but how can we allow ourselves to be binded by one language, one “culture” when the world is so huge?
It’s so satisfying to be able to understand when listening to Italians speak, or to read a book or watch an commercial and understand it’s meaning. And I feel learning a language is a task everyone should take a stab at. I mean, why not? It’s challenging, yes, and frustrating, but, rewarding.
It’s impossible to learn and understand every culture, but we have the capacity to learn as much as possible, so why not try to learn something apart from what we already know?
Language shouldn’t bind us, it should set us free. I think everyone should take the time to challenge themselves and learn a different language. It will open you to a variety of new experiences and challenges, and will let you adapt understanding to a culture completely different from your own.
The quote I use above is so true - it speaks of our own ignorance to the world outside of America. I'm proud to be American, and I LOVE English. But, when I run into people my own age who can speak 5 languages, and I’m struggling with two - I think it says something! 
Challenge yourself, don't allow one language to bind you.

Go, learn and speak!!
(As my brother learned, it helps you pick up chicks as well)

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