Monday, December 5, 2011

My Little Sister

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
Eight months - eight months I have spent living in Rome, doing exactly as I expected; teaching English, learning Italian, eating gelato, drinking wine.
But one thing happened that I wasn’t completely ready for: becoming attached to a 4-year old bundle of happiness who has taught me more than I may have taught her. 
I’ve learned patience; that every little moment should be handled with care and consideration. I learned to appreciate the small things; talking a walk and picking flowers, playing on the swings for hours - all these activities plus so many more have lightened my spirit, brought joy to my heart.
As I pack my bags, and take down the pictures Bea has drawn for me, I reflect on our time together, and wonder when I will see her again. How old will she be? Will she remember our time together? Having a “little sister” is something to treasure forever and I can only hope I’ve made a positive impact on her. I look forward to seeing her grow and learn and even though I’m sad to leave her, I have no doubts I will see her again, because I don’t believe in “goodbyes”, just “see ya laters”

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