Monday, December 12, 2011

I Can Sleep On The Plane

As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.  ~Zachary Scott
After a long day, with the early morning fast approaching, it often seems like the best thing to do is curl up into my bed with a good book, or movie and settle in for a relaxing evening. At least it's probably the most responsible thing.
That was my plan Wednesday night after a long day in Rome; finalizing my trip home, last minute shopping, English lessons - I was worn out. But as I sat in the living room with Bea, Francesca and Vincenzo enjoying some of our last moments together, Francesca told me to get up, get dressed and go out with Sabrina.
“You can sleep on the plane,” she told me.
Sometimes responsibility needs to take a back seat and the moment in front of you needs to be seized.
It had been our plan; spend Wednesday night at one of the biggest night clubs in Rome with our friends - and then I changed my mind, told myself I was too tired. 
Too tired?!
I had 4 days left in Rome, and I was “too tired”??!
Sabrina wouldn’t take no for an answer, and she was right. If I wouldn’t have gone, I would have missed out on one of the best night I’ve had in Rome. 
Muccassassina, a 4-story Gay club in Rome; live shows, great music, and a night I’ll never forget. 
In the end, the decision to go with Sabrina was the right one. I’m not saying every Wednesday night you need to throw responsibilty out the door, but as I’ve mentioned in the past, sometimes you need to allow yourself pleasure - allow your cares to fade away and happiness to overcome your entire being, even if just for a moment - trust me, you won’t regret it. 

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