Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

“Ogni mattina, in Africa, una gazzella si svelgia. Sa che dovra’ correre piu’ in fretta del leone o verra’ uccisa. Ogni mattina, in Africa, un leone si sveglia. Sa che dovra’ correre piu’ della gazzella, o morira’ di fame. Quando il sole sorge, non importa se tu sei un leone o una gazzella, sara’ meglio che cominci a correre.” - Thomas Jefferson
I read this proverb in Vincenzo’s bathroom a few months ago. When reading it the first time, I didn’t quite understand, then as my Italian improved, and I read it again - I understoond and I felt inspired; inspired to keep pushing, keep running forward, keep swimming. That no matter the circumstances, you just have to wake up every day and give it your best.
In a few short days, I will end my time here in Rome. 8 months have gone by like a flip of a page - another chapter of my story is coming to a close. It’s such a bittersweet feeling for me; as I talk with Bea and she tells me “Ti voglio bene”, or as I run along the beach with Sabrina and take aperitivo’s with my friends in the center of Rome. I’m not 100% ready to leave, but I know I have to leave. I know it’s time to pursue another dream. 
One thing is for sure: My love for Italy, for Rome, for “dolce far niente” is never ending, and will never end. I will always long for the days I spent roaming ancient ruins, shoping on Via del Corso, Sunday lunches and afternoon naps. I will long for the hot Mediterranean sun, espresso, Aperol Spritz; I will dream of Italian men, the beautiful Italian language that I have grown so fond of, and I will always cherish the time I spent with Beatrice and her family. 
Now is not a time to fear, if a chapter of your story is changing, or coming to an end - don’t be sad, cherish the memories you mad, but rejoice in the opportunity to grow. Change is inevitable, but what we do with the change is important; it doesn’t matter if you’re the lion or the gazelle, what matters is you keep running; you just keep swimming. 
“Every day in Africa a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
 It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better be running.”

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