Friday, November 4, 2011

You Make My Dreams Come True!

Shattered windows, screaming Italians, crying babies.
That’s the type of mayhem I caused in Rome last night as a 15-year-old dream of mine came true.
Howie D, of the Backstreet Boys, (BSB has been my absolute favorite music group for almost two decades), gave ME a live shout-out on the Morning Zoo in State College. Yesterday, my friends PJ and Kelly, and the rest of the Zoo Crew interviewed Howie, and to my complete and utter surprise, PJ told Howie who I was - and not only did he give me a shout out, but he spoke to me in ITALIAN.
Yes, this 23-year-old college grad had heart palpatations, red cheeks, and a giddy, uncontrollable laugh for an hour. Wait, who am I kidding - I’m still laughing uncontrollably!
While living in State College and attending Penn State, I had the opportunity to work and play at the number 1 radio station in Centre County: B94.5. At B94.5, we did it all: from our morning show, to internships, fundraisers, events - you name it, we were involved in it. One of the guilty pleasures of the job came in the wee-hours of the morning as we interviewed celebrities, athletes, and game-changers from all over the world; Hanson, Lauren Conrad, Russell Brand - the list goes on.
But one of the most beautiful things about the job was watching PJ and the rest of the crew help fulfill wishes, and dreams of the little kids and teens listening to our show. Whether it meant tickets to a concert, or a sporting event, or inviting them to come and be live on the air with us, PJ made it come true.
The look in these children’s faces said it all, and even though I’m no child, PJ definitely put one of those smile’s on my face!
I can die a happy girl - BSB knows my name! So thanks PJ and B94.5, you came through in the clutch, and made this little girl happy, even from 4500 miles away!
Check out the interview below (my part comes in around 5:00) and don’t forget to LIKE the Morning Zoo on Facebook!

La Bella Vita

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