Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mary Lou - Where Are You?

       As many of you know, I've grown up with the nickname "muffinmouse" or "muffin". Sometimes, my friends and family use it so often, I wonder if my real name has been forgotten. When I went to Penn State, I was lucky enough to leave the nicknames back in my home town - until my best friend moved to State College and revealed "muffin" to our fellow Nittany Lions. In Italy, it's been a completely different story - they call me Marissa, and this, is much appreciated.Now, after 7 months of "la bella vita", Bea has created a new nickname for me. She calls me “Mary Lou”. Normally, I wouldn’t be to happy with a new version to my name, but when I hear her little voice yell ‘Mary Lou, where are you?” I can’t help but smile!She got her inspiration from an Italian singer we saw in concert “Alessandro Mannarino”. Take a listen, even if you won’t understand, you’ll love the song!

Mary Lou, Mary Lou, tutti i marinai, gridano "I love you" :)

La Bella Vita

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