Friday, November 18, 2011

Such A Small World

"Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world."
Sometimes we strive so hard to find happiness. We decide after we successfully accomplish something, we will be happy, or, we will have the right to be happy. Living in Italy has helped me realize to be truly happy, you can’t tie it to material objects or measures of success, you must tie it to your outlook on life; the people you surround yourself with, the joy you can allow yourself to feel when doing the most basic activities; talking a walk, singing in the rain with friends, sharing a glass of wine under the stars. 
The last two weekends I got to spend with my friend Andrea from Reggio Calabria. He was in Rome taking his GREs and IELTs (English tests). His plan is to go to Penn State to study next year! This amazes me, absolutely amazes me. The world is so small, I mean, after meeting just over a year ago from a crazy study abroad experience, I  have made one of the dearest friends in my life. Now, not only are we together in Italy, but we will be together in America. The memories we make will last a lifetime & I love knowing that not even that big pond can separate us. TVB <3

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