Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Say Goodbye Summer

Life Doesn’t Give You The People You Want, It Gives You The People You Need: 
To Love You, To Hate You, To Break You 
& To Make You The Person You Were Meant To Be
Every year, as August fades into September, I ask myself, 
“Where did my Summer go?”
Those hot, endless days and warm nights under the stars seem to pass by as if on fast forward. 
This Summer was quite different from all my other Summers, and as I reflect back on the past three months, I can see it’s beauty, but I can feel how truly life-changing it really was.
Spending my second summer in Italy enabled me many opportunities. Not just to visit beaches and tour ancient ruins, but to grow. 
I’ve never felt so different; so much stronger and independent and wise as I do now. I don’t feel invincible like I did in college, but I feel durable.
Almost as if you could throw any situation my way, and I will somehow work through it.
I am in Italy.  Clearly I spent many nights with my friends, dancing in the sand, eating gelato and taking aperitivos. Those memories dance around in my head like perfect little ballerinas; they represent happiness, friendships, love, and peacefulness. Reflecting on those moments form a long-lasting smile on my face.
But there are moments that throw me into deep reflection; where I shake my head and wonder “What were you doing?” I mean, I got robbed twice in three weeks and had a date with a guy who tried to sleep with me in a park. Then there’s that feeling, that sting in my chest, where I question,“What went wrong?”  I lost a friend, someone very important to me who changed me. And that feeling is the hardest of all.
But, there are moments of accomplishment; I’m becoming profficient in a foreign language and at the same time, teaching another language to a little girl. These accomplishments fill me with pride and contentment. And once again, prove to me that I can do anything I set my mind too.
I was willing to dare when I moved to Rome on my own; and despite a few setbacks, some heartbreaks and a few moments of despair, because I was willing to dare, I can say I succeeded in the Summer of 2011.
Personally. Intellectually. Mentally. And emotionally.
I truly believe these people I experienced the good, the bad and the ugly with this Summer were brought into my life for a reason: to help me grow.
So yes, Giovanni may have treated me like scum, the robbers may have my money and two of my phones, and Mirto may have broken my heart, but Francesca and Vincenzo have given me a chance, Bea has grown to love me, Meggie has become my rock, and Sabrina has become my dear friend.
So after three months of ups and downs, happiness and tears, I can say that I have been broken, and rebuilt, but now I’m stronger, and changed, for the better.
I may be Unforgettable
But after this summer, I am stronger. 
I am Unshakable.

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