Thursday, August 25, 2011

Theme Song

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday
It was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise
Of our glory days
I associate moments in time, people I meet, and experiences I have with specific songs. As soon as I hear a certain song, it’s as if I’m immediately cadapulted back into that moment. 
I think I may have found the secret to time travelling.
 Whenever I want to relive a moment in time, I choose a song, and my mind races to find the memory. Recently, there has been a moment I’ve been meaning to “find”, but I needed to right song. Well I found that song yesterday as I sipped Italian espresso on the balcony. 
It’s brought me relief, happiness, 
and has brought me to a place of contentment. 
The song is “Someone Like You” by Adele. Give it a listen, maybe it will catapult you to a moment in your life missing it’s “theme song.”

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