Thursday, August 4, 2011

Addio Nonna

“Until We Meet Again, 
May God Hold You In The Palm of His Hand.” 
-Irish Prayer
I remember going to church every Sunday (or Saturday evening) with my family growing up. I never fully understood the importance of this act until I was much older. But, there was one prayer that always stuck with me. Even if I was daydreaming of gummy bears and Disney Princesses’s, when Fr. Walk would give his parting prayer, I always listened, and loved every word.
This Irish Prayer sounded so beautiful to my ears; a few simple words, but they touched my heart. I always loved mass with Fr. Walk, because I knew I would hear this prayer.
This prayer came to mind last Friday, as I had to say goodbye to my grandma from 4500 miles away. An act I never imagined; losing someone I’ve had in my life since the day I was born, and I had to say goodbye on the phone. I was warned about this before I left America, the possibility of a death in the family. Everyone I talked to told me to be wary, and realize “coming home” would be impossible. But I never thought it would actually happen.
It was a strange sensation; I cried as I thought about the times in my life I shared with my grandma, but the grief I felt was not about her death, but more about my inability to be with my family, especially my dad during this time. I think my grandma was proud of me; she always seemed proud to call me her granddaughter, and I know she lived a wonderful life blessed with a family, friends and love.
It pains me to know my family had to be incomplete during this time, and I hope my grandma is smiling down on me now. And if there is anything   I could say to her, it would be my favorite Irish prayer; it has a lasting power for me, and I would wish the same upon her. So as we lay her to rest, I'm thinking of her and my family, and although I'm not there physically, I'm with you in spirit...
Ti voglio bene, ti voglio tanto bene....addio.

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