Sunday, July 17, 2011

If It Makes You Happy

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure”

~ Peter Marshall

I’m sure there is some cosmic rationale as to why finding the “right answers” to life are so difficult. Some people rely on faith to point them in the right direction, some rely on family to tell them what’s “best”, others rely on the natural process; finish high school, graduate from college and grad school, get a job... then marriage, a house, kids...etc.
But I can’t help if I feel life is not just a “process”. The legal system is a process, losing weight is a process, learning a new language is a process. But, in my opinion, life is not about the destination, but more about the journey.
Every day I feel the pressure to pick my “next step.” This Peter Pan advice is handed out so easily; family, friends. They think they are only helping me, offering me suggestions. The suggestions are getting old, the advice is repitive and cumbersome. 

But please don't forget, this is not your life to live, it's mine. I have to make these decision carefully and cautiously, but also, with my happiness in mind.
Maybe I’m failing; I graduated from Penn State in 3.5 years with a 3.87 GPA. I worked in all areas of Communications, networked, broadened my horizons. And I chose to move to Rome to teach English.
Why? Because my mind, body and soul told me too.
Every road pointed to Rome, and when nothing else manifested, my direction returned to Rome.
I’ve always known what I wanted. 
When I was 6, I told my Dad I would go to Penn State University. When I was 12, I told myself I would start varsity basketball my sophmore year of high school. When I wanted to learn Italian, I told myself I would - and I did. 
I’m a go-getter. And when my mind, body and soul knows what it wants - nothing can stop me.
I’m feeling the pressure. Just like any 23 yr.-old trying to figure out her next step. But if something makes me happy, it can’t be that bad, right?
No worries though, I'm not failing.
I’ll figure it out. 
I know I’ll figure it out, in the right time, at the right place.

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